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Joan Trench
Joan Trench

"Main areas of work: HR Change Project Management HR Strategy and Consultancy Executive Coaching Senior team assessment and development TUPE transfers, merges and acquisitions Organisation restructure and design Board work Appeal work "

Jeff Dean
Jeff Dean

"Main areas of work: Development of HR/OD strategy, plans and policy at organisational level Support in developing and managing employment relationships, based on career-long experience of consultation and negotiation with Trade Unions, from E [...]

Ian Jones
Ian Jones

"Main areas of work: Managing a comprehensive HR function Developing and implementing HR strategies and plans TUPE Job Evaluation Performance Appraisal 360 degree assessment of Chief Officers and Executive Members Communication and Negotiation [...]

Ian Fleming
Ian Fleming

"Main areas of work: Negotiation Skills Influencing Skills Team Development "

Gerald Coteman
Gerald Coteman

"Main areas of work: Experience of local government, political and elected member issues Ability to operate comfortably at CEO and senior elected member level and well as service delivery level Empathy with and experience of the North East Spe [...]

Geoff Brown
Geoff Brown

"Main areas of work: Strategic and operational advice to Elected Members, Chief Executives and Corporate Management Teams, Boards of Directors Development of HR Strategic Framework and Associated Policies Organisational and Management Developm [...]

Excellence in Business
Excellence in Business

"Main areas of work: Organisational Strategy Leadership and People Management Procurement Organisational Development Public Sector Specific   "

Denise Curtis-Haigh
Denise Curtis-Haigh

"Offer Change Management Employee Relations (Disciplinary, Grievance and Absence Management) TUPE Outsourcing Workforce Planning Job Evaluation Policy Review and Development Culture Change "

Craig Smith
Craig Smith

"Main areas of work: Change Management training for managers Performance management (feedback) skills for managers Values and vision development Conference and large meeting facilitation Team away days Team Building Successful first-time manag [...]

Christina Lattimer
Christina Lattimer

"Main areas of work: Leadership coaching, training and programmes HR strategic advice and guidance Social Media strategic advice and practical solutions "