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Debbie Judd
Debbie Judd

"Work offered: HR Support and Advice, including interpretation and application of HR policies, procedures and employment law Investigating Officer - grievance, disciplinary, complaint issues Change Management, including TUPE and redundancy Cre [...]

Dawn Parkin
Dawn Parkin

"Main areas of work: Organisation development Organisation design Transformation and culture change Employee engagement Leadership and management development Leadership coaching, including use of 360º feedback Design and delivery of developmen [...]

David McGrath, Link Support Services (UK) Ltd
David McGrath, Link Support Services (UK) Ltd

Main areas of work: Committee Skills - including Chairing Full Council; Committee Chairing Skills; Committee Skills for all Councillors; Virtual Committee Skills for Officers; Chamber Skills for Councillors and Groups; Code of Conduct and Ethi [...]

David Algeo, Algeo Training Limited
David Algeo, Algeo Training Limited

"Main areas of work: Large audience/conference event speaking - Wellbeing Workshops - Stress Management, Resilience, Wellbeing Workshops - Manager Support - developing resilience and high performing teams Workshops - Manager Support - having m [...]

Dave McPherson
Dave McPherson

"Main areas of work: IT Directorship Business Transformation Technology Audits Cloud Adoption Consultancy GDPR Readiness Assessments GDPR Compliance Consultancy "

Craig Smith
Craig Smith

"Main areas of work: Change Management training for managers Performance management (feedback) skills for managers Values and vision development Conference and large meeting facilitation Team away days Team Building Successful first-time manag [...]

Clare Walker
Clare Walker

"Main areas of work: Performance Coaching for managers or individuals seeking to achieve a goal or improvement performance in specific areas, including career coaching Management Development - focusing on soft skills of effective management an [...]

Christina Lattimer
Christina Lattimer

"Main areas of work: Leadership coaching, training and programmes HR strategic advice and guidance Social Media strategic advice and practical solutions "

Chris Goulding
Chris Goulding

"Main areas of work: Human Resources Organisational Development Learning & Development Coaching Re-structuring "

Charlotte Angus
Charlotte Angus

"Main areas of work: Design and facilitate effective meetings (e.g., project kick off meetings) TNA, design, delivery and evaluation of training Team Development Change and Project Management "