Main areas of work:

  • Experience of local government, political and elected member issues
  • Ability to operate comfortably at CEO and senior elected member level and well as service delivery level
  • Empathy with and experience of the North East
  • Specific professional experience and strengths:
    • Performance and Risk Management
    • HR/OD, change programmes – includes skills audits, competency frameworks, performance management, organisational development, internal communications and staff attitudes surveys and analysis
    • Communications and User/stakeholder engagement
    • Social care
    • Quality frameworks/quality accounts
    • Governance
    • Community strategies/infrastructure – new town and new ‘project’ community, cultural and health facilities – study and modelling
    • Service Review/development of strategies
    • Strategic Partnerships – including Performance Management
    • Internal/External Audit role
    • Policy Reviews – includes performance review, policy changes required by legislation, development of policies to meet local priorities, pricing reviews (e.g. leisure services)
    • Overview and Scrutiny
    • Equality & Diversity – including meeting legislative requirements, action plans, performance management and development of good practice models

Associate Description

Previous work:

Part of CPA CAT – Audit Commission

Quality Standards Accreditation – Tyne & Wear Community Foundation

Development of Strategic Framework for Cultural Partnerships in Cambridgeshire – Cambridgeshire County Council

Contact details:

Organisation : The Focus Group

Email :